Increase your property value through proper tree care
Having a professional tree care company plant trees on your property can increase its value by as much as an additional 15%! This is huge. The reasons for the valuation increase are due to the obvious benefits that healthy trees carry with them for home or property owners:
Energy Reduction: You can reduce your energy consumption by as much as 30 percent in the warmer months by having trees planted in the right areas to absorb sunlight. Also as much as 20 to 50% during the winter months for your heating bill. Trees provide direct insulation.
Fresh Air: Trees produce oxygen and absorb pollutants, they also absorb Carbon Dioxide. This is key toward providing fresh air in your neighborhood.
Aesthetics: Trees are a natural beautiful part of any landscape. For a home, they can help out with providing privacy and add a nice touch to your existing landscape.
You can count on all of these factors to help increase the monetary value of your home.