What a Tree Is Worth to Your Property
When most people hear that phrase, they tend to think in a dollar value. Don’t get us wrong, trees do have a monetary value, if you have the right species and it’s healthy, you could collect thousands. However, we’re speaking in terms of the priceless value they have for your landscape.
Shade: Do you realize how much your actually saving on that power bill? Trees that are properly planted around the home or a commercial building can seriously reduce the cost of an energy bill by providing the right type of shade and absorbing all that sunlight.
Air Pollution Reduction: Trees absorb C02 which is a chief greenhouse gas. Remember, this is the stuff that we are breathing in every day. When you think of it like that, trees are really the best defense we have against global warming!
Wildlife Shelter: Could you imagine how much worse of a pest or rodent problem you might have without those trees on your property? Where do you think raccoons sleep? Trees provide shelter for all kinds of animals including squirrels and raccoons. Mainly, this keeps them out of your yard most of the time.