Significance of Trees in Native American Culture in Mills River, NC
Native American culture has left its mark on society throughout the United States, even here in Mills River, NC. The importance of trees as both symbols, and characters is breathtaking in Native American culture. Throughout Native American cultures trees have provided medicine, building materials, and food. The result is the idea that trees are fortuitous, endless, bountiful, and sacrificial. Many of the different types of trees were thought to have separate unique qualities in this entry we will share a few with you.
The ash tree is said to help with digestive issues and promotes the ideas of sacrifice, empathy, and a more universal sense of being. The aspen tree on the other hand was a source of clarity, inspiration, and courage. These trees were used by Native Americans when seeking wisdom, and guidance. Birch trees carried ideas of redemption, new starts, and the truth. Meanwhile, cedar trees which can help with lung problems were thought of as conveying wealth, health, healing, and strength.
One of the most interesting is the Native American view of the cherry tree in Mills River, NC. They believed that cherry trees symbolized passionate beginnings, or brand new journeys. Lastly, the elm tree was an all-encompassing source of wisdom, intuition, and knowledge.