The Difference Between Tree topping and Reduction Pruning
First and foremost, it’s important to understand that tree topping is quite possibly the worst thing you can ever do to a tree besides chopping it down. It is not a healthy alternative to pruning, it’s something that should only be done when removing an unwanted tree. Although topping is a quick short term solution to reduce the height of a tree, it will inevitably cause enormous long term issues down the line.
The better alternative is crown reduction pruning. If your tree has grown too large for it’s space or zone, we will use crown reduction pruning to reduce it’s height. This is safe, healthy and will result in your tree having a more natural appearance. By employing this method, your basically guaranteeing that the tree’s sprouts will be preserved and so will it’s growth.
We recommend crown reduction pruning late in the season, preferably the fall. The spring is not a good time period because this is when tree growth could be disrupted due to sprouting buds. If your in need of crown reduction pruning in Henderson County, North Carolina: give us a call anytime. We look forward to hearing from you.