Reasons for Tree Pruning

Reasons for Tree Pruning There are many individual reasons for tree pruning, but it usually comes down to health, aesthetics and safety. We only employ experienced, reliable, experts whom are completely familiar with all different types of trees in the Henderson County, NC area. Pruning is an art and all it takes is one bad…

Storms Equal Damage to Your Trees

Storms Equal Damage to Your Trees Whether your tree is involved in a rain, wind, ice, snow or thunder storm, they can all be extremely stressful to it’s health. The main reason for tree demise or collapse has always been extreme weather conditions. It is vital that your trees are looked after or at least…

Avoiding Tree Drought

Avoiding Tree Drought Caring for trees in a dry climate is vital. Sometimes, nothing can be worse than tree drought and unfortunately damage may not be detected for at least 2 years. You’ll be able to symptoms on tree leaves as curling, wilting, and yellowing. During a drought, in comparison to your lawn; trees must…